Tips dan Trik Agar Mudah Diterima di Perusahaan Kelas Dunia Google

Siapa yang tak ingin bekerja di perusahaan teknologi dunia, seperti Google atau Cisco? Bagaimana caranya menembus seleksi yang ketat yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut?

Apakah orang Indonesia bisa berkompetisi dengan pelamar dari negara lain?

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut pasti terbersit dalam benak profesional TI yang ingin bersaing di dunia global. Himawan Nugroho, Technical Adviser Cisco System di Cisco EMEA (Europe, Midle East, and Africa), adalah contoh orang Indonesia yang berani berkompetisi di dunia dan berhasil.

Himawan yang kini menetap di Dubai, mengunjungi Indonesia untuk membagikan pengalamannya dan memotivasi mahasiswa dan profesional TI di Indonesia agar berani bersaing di pasar global.

"Yang harus dilakukan pertama kali adalah membangun pengalaman dan reputasi," ungkap Himawan saat memberikan presentasi di kampus Bina Nusantara Syahdan, Jakarta, Selasa (27/3/2012).

Optimalkan media sosial
Media sosial, seperti Facebook dan Twitter yang tumbuh sangat pesat di dunia, terutama di Indonesia, harus bisa dimanfaatkan untuk membangun reputasi.

Himawan mengatakan, perusahaan asing akan menggunakan mesin pencari Google untuk mencari nama Anda di internet. Semua rekam jejak Anda di dunia maya akan dipelajari oleh perusahaan yang Anda kirimkan lamaran.

Perluas jaringan
Perluas jaringan pertemanan Anda meskipun tidak ada hubungannya dengan bidang yang Anda geluti. "Anda tidak akan pernah tahu kapan Anda membutuhkan orang-orang tersebut. Ingatlah bahwa 'Trust Circle' sangat berpengaruh terhadap reputasi Anda," jelas Himawan.

Buat resume yang atraktif
Curriculum Vitae (CV) merupakan jantung yang menentukan hidup mati Anda ketika melamar pekerjaan. Perusahaan teknologi dunia, sangat bergantung kepada CV untuk melakukan eliminasi awal. Jika CV sudah berantakan dan tidak menarik, Anda sudah akan disingkirkan sebelum perjuangan dimulai.

Wawancara seperti seorang profesional
Ketika akhirnya dipanggil untuk wawancara, datanglah dengan penampilan paling profesional dan lakukan wawancara dengan sangat profesional. CV yang atraktif dan kemampuan menjawab pertanyaan wawancara yang sesuai konteks, akan melancarkan Anda memasuki perusahaan teknologi dunia.

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Lowongan Kerja di PT Indorama Synthetics Tbk, Paling Lambat 16 April

PT Indorama Synthetics Tbk, a flagship company of the Indorama Group, commenced commercial operations in 1976. It is the largest polyester producer in Indonesia and one of Indonesia's largest exporters with a total polyester manufacturing capacity of about 280,000 tons per annum.

The company positions its products directly into its markets and has created a unique identity for itself. The company sells to the premium markets of North America and Europe and the fast growing markets of South America, Asia, Australia and the Middle East. A continuous process of reinvestment and productivity-enhancing programs have made PT Indorama one of the leading producers of polyester and its applications worldwide. This strength combined with the benefits of a low-cost base, results in a twofold advantage: premium quality at a low cost.

We are driven by strong commitment to our values and motto of "People - Technology - Excellence" and have world class manufacturing facilities and global marketing network.

Indorama Officer Trainee Program
Please find below the highlights of our program:

Position: Officer Trainees
Qualification: S1 degree with minimum 2.75 GPA
Discipline: Mechanical, Electrical/Electronics, Industrial, Civil, Chemical, Textile, Economics.
Compensation: Honorarium Rp. 2.000.000 per month plus facilities
Training Period : 12 months
Confirmation: Post successful training confirmation as Senior Officer
Bond Period: 3 years excluding training period
General Eligibility: Unmarried, less than 26 years of age and computer literate
Selection process: Written Test, followed by a Group Discussion & Interview

If you like to join us in quest to be a global enterprise for excellence, please send the updated resume / CV by email with mention of the position name to :

We will be visiting your campus for selection based on the response from you.
We are waiting response from you latest by Monday, 16th April 2012
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Our plantations are located in Riau and Kalimantan. While Darmex Agro's core business in Palm Oil Mills, Plantation and Refinery, it's portfolio has expanded to include various processing and storage facilities as well as shipping infrastructure. The swift expansion of PT. Darmex Agro in these various fields allows it the extensively integrate the complex processes in supplying high quality palm based derivatives in a timely and efficient manner.Headquartered in Jakarta, Darmex Agro currently employs more than 13,000 staff in Indonesia.

Lowongan Kerja Geologist


Sebuku Group is one of the fastest growing Steel and Mining Companies in South East Asia. With mines scattered all over Kalimantan and Sumatera, Sebuku Group seeks rapid expansion through the exploration of huge and highly prospective mining sites and growth through the acquisition of high quality Mining Assets.



PT Kokai Indo Abadi is the valve manufacturer representative from Raymong (Beijing) Valve Manufacturing Co., Ltd., China.

Our activities consist of stocking and trading carbon steel, stainless steel, and alloy steel valves. Our main customers are in the Oil & Gas, Power, Petrochemical and Palm Oil Industries and related EPC companies.



We are a General Supplier of the hygienic & industrial equipment and services for the Food & Beverages processing plant. We are currently looking for:
TECHNICAL SALES ENGINEER - Jakarta Utara (Jakarta Raya)

Lowongan Geologist PT.KIDECO


Kalimantan Timur - Batu Kajang

 Job Opportunity in Leading Mining Company
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